
Not a lender? Return to the Homepage or take a look at Our Programs.

Daily Rates

Current mortgage rates on all our programs.

Daily Rates

Programs Fact Sheets

Comprehensive program matrices for all our programs to help you understand our product offerings.


Training Calendar

If you’d like hands-on training for the different programs we offer at New Hampshire Housing, sign up for one of our live training sessions!



All our forms are organized in a convenient, searchable library, which you can sort by program or search by keyword.


Income Limits

One page Program Income Limit information for Lenders

Effective 06/14/2024

Selling Guide

This guide is your one-stop shop for detailed information on our current mortgage program processes.


Marketing Materials

Let us help ensure your New Hampshire Housing marketing materials are effective and on brand with the help of our brand standards and co-branded advertisements.


Online Homebuyer Education

Link to NH Housing's Online Homebuyer Education Resources

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Contact Our Team

Need assistance? NH Housing is here to help our lending partners.  Use these emails to get the answers you need.

Contact Our Team

How We Work With Lenders

Our Participating Lenders (PL) 

This channel is composed of lending institutions and entities that include traditional banks and mortgage banking institutions. PL lenders identify, originate, process and close eligible loans for purchase by New Hampshire Housing. We work directly with certain lenders who offer our mortgage and other homebuyer programs.

Our Participating Originator (PO)

This channel is composed of lending institutions, principally community banks with smaller lending departments and fewer resources to complete loans. In this channel, the PO originates mortgage loans for borrowers who are eligible for New Hampshire Housing mortgage programs. Additionally, the PO facilitates communication between the borrower and New Hampshire Housing. Our staff then underwrite and closes the loan in New Hampshire Housing’s name.

Homeownership Fellows

Each year, we give up to 10 mortgage professionals a chance to participate in an interactive educational fellowship. See previous winners and how to apply.

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Become an Approved Lender or Originator